There are no Mythical Creatures in this Book

Unicorn: Pssst! Hey, adult human. Yes, you.
Bigfoot, wearing a tutu and winking: Only kids can see us. Got it?

On a small island, in the middle of the sea, sits one lonely otter. [On the facing page, on a very similar island bigfoot is wearing a tutu and riding a tricycle. He is winking and giving the adult reader a thumbs up.]

Wait. Make that one lonely otter and two tired turtles. [On the other island, two Loch Ness monsters wearing sunglasses are lounging on inner tubes].

Oh, and three teeny-tiny tree frogs. Can you see them? High up in that palm tree? Hmm, how can I describe their palm tree? They all look the same. Yes, that’s the one! Wow, how did you know? [Three flying dragons are pointing down at the tree.]

Ah, and here are four flying frigate birds, searching the beach. Maybe today a deck of cards will wash ashore. Or a book. Something, anything, to pass the time. [On the other island, four prancing leprechauns are throwing gold coins from their hats. One of the dragons hits a Loch Ness monster with a fireball, who is clearly annoyed.]

Five famished foxes arrive. Otter, thinking fast, begins gathering coconuts. [On the other island, five unicorns are galloping over rainbows. The Loch Ness monster hits the dragon who fired the fireball with its tail, sending him *CRACK!* into a palm tree.] Wait! What was that? It sounded like it came from the other island. Oh, never mind. It was just Otter opening another coconut.

Where were we? Oh yes. One not-so-lonely otter, two torpid turtles, three teeny-tiny tree frogs, four flying frigate birds, five somewhat hungry foxes, and now six sluggish sea lions staring at the sea. [On the other island, six swimming mermaids are playing a game of volleyball.]

And, seven sleeping sea gulls, “sawing logs,” as they say. You see, “sawing logs” is another way of saying “snoring.” And just listen to them! They really do sound like they’re sawing logs up there. [Loud, because on the other island, seven trolls are sawing down palm trees.]

And above them are, you guessed it, eight eagles, eagerly peering at the horizon. Eagles have great eyesight. Surely, they will find something interesting out there. Nope. Nothing but blue ocean and that lifeless little island next door. [On that lifeless little island next door, eight UFOs are now hovering over it.]

How many idle iguanas crawl out of the ocean to bask in the sand? Right, nine. See, you’re paying attention to what’s going on over here. Good job.  [On the other island, nine griffins are attacking the UFOs.]

“Maybe we should swim over there,” says Otter to one of the turtles.

“Why?” says Turtle.
“I don’t know,” says Otter. “Change of scenery?”

“Mmmm. I’m going to go join the iguanas,” says Turtle.

And finally, ten terns touch down, too tired to continue. If only they could have flown a little further. That other island has so much more room. [On the other island, ten fairies join in the fight against the aliens.]

[An Eagle:] “Look!”

Wait! What’s that? What does the eagle see?

A rowboat! Hooray! And it’s coming this way! Wait…why are they stopping at that island?

The children can fly?! [The children ride around on the back of the dragon, before all the creatures fly off into the sky.]

Now, that was interesting.

[Last picture is all the animals crammed in the rowboat.]













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